FFXIV Patch 4.15 Notes:New PvP and Performance Actions

Patch 4.15 will bring a number of additions and refinements to the realm, including the introduction of the new PvP encounter Rival Wings and Performance Actions.

Patch 4.15 contains content that can only be accessed by registering the expansion packs for FINAL FANTASY XIV to your service account. To distinguish between adjustments that are and are not affected by the registration of these expansions, the following notations will be used throughout the patch notes:
2.x These additions and adjustments only require the purchase of FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn.
3.x These additions and adjustments require the purchase and registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward.
4.x These additions and adjustments require the purchase and registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood.
2.x 3.x 4.x These additions and adjustments contain elements that may require the purchase and registration of the expansion packs noted above.

Performance Actions have been added, allowing players to create music using the bard job.

Plucking the Heartstrings
Bard level 30
Old Gridania (X:10.4 Y:8.4)
Players must first complete the bard job quest "A Song of Bards and Bowmen."

Using Performance Actions
Performance actions can be registered to your hotbar via the Performance tab of the Actions & Traits interface.

Each action corresponds to one musical note. Use them in combination to create original music.

When using the performance actions, you are strictly prohibited from performing the music of any third parties. You may record and upload your performance and hereby agree to license such recordings to us for use by Square Enix or others in accordance with the terms of the “FINAL FANTASY XIV Material Usage License.”

Following the implementation of performance actions, the FINAL FANTASY XIV Material Usage License has been updated.
Review the FINAL FANTASY Material Usage License.

New orchestrion rolls have been added.
New challenge log entries have been added.
Wondrous Tails objectives now include Astragalos campaigns.
To improve usability for colorblind players, the color of the icons for astral fire and umbral ice in the simplified black mage job gauge has been adjusted.
The following adjustments have been made to PvP actions
The PvP encounter Rival Wings has been added.


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