FFXIV Stormblood Light Party dungeons: Lv.60-70

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The Sirensong Sea - Level: 61
Unlock: Not without Incident
Quest: Main Scenario Quest Not without Incident
Quest-giver Location: Lyse - Mor Dhona (x22.2,y8.5)
Roulette: Leveling
Arrive at Spae Rock
Defeat Lugat
Arrive at the Warden's Delight
Defeat the Governor
Arrive at Glowering Krautz
Defeat Lorelei
Loot: Treasure Coffer X 5

Shisui of the Violet Tides - Level: 63
Unlock: The Palace of Lost Souls
Quest: The Palace of Lost Souls
Quest-giver Location: ???? - ????? (x??,y??)
Prerequisites: Main Scenario Quest ?????
Roulette: Leveling
Ruby Princess
Shisui Yohi
Loot: Treasure Coffer X 5

Bardam's Mettle - Level: 65
Unlock: In the Footsteps of Bardam the Brave
Quest: ????
Quest-giver Location: ???? - ????? (x??,y??)
Prerequisites: Main Scenario Quest ?????
Roulette: Leveling
Arrive at Bardam's Hunt
Defeat Galura
Arrive at the Rebirth of Bardam the Brave
Defeat Bardam
Arrive in the Voiceless Muse
Defeat Yol
Loot: Treasure Coffer X 5

Doma Castle - Level: 67
Unlock: The Die Is Cast
Quest: The Die Is Cast
Quest-giver Location: ???? - ????? (x??,y??)
Prerequisites: Main Scenario Quest On the Eve of Destiny
Roulette: Leveling
Loot: Treasure Coffer X 5

Castrum Abania - Level: 69
Unlock: The Price of Freedom
Quest: The Price of Freedom
Quest-giver Location: ???? - ????? (x??,y??)
Prerequisites: Main Scenario Quest ?????
Roulette: Leveling
Item Level Sync: 290
Loot: Treasure Coffer X 5

link: https://www.ssegold.com/news/ffxiv-stormblood-light-party-dungeons-lv60-70.html


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